
Trigger, Jezabell, Blackie ... and friends

You know you're getting used to a new village when you start recognizing the dogs ... and knowing them by name.

Among my favorites are Trigger and Jezabell. Generally together, and usually playing on the beach, you can tell they are best friends. Trigger is a large, let's just say "well fed," Dalmatian type. Jezabell is a big, blond Golden Retriever.

They spend the better part of each day running in and out of the ocean, resting on the beach, wrestling in the sand and waiting for their owner to come down with leashes when it's time to go home.

But Jezabell has taken to visiting San Pancho's beauty parlor, where a new, tiny Chihuahua puppy named Blackie has taken up residence. Jezabell seems to think that Blackie is her puppy. And Blackie seems happy to let Jezabell think so. Jezabell, of indeterminate age, but not young, is willing to let the puppy climb all over her, and she rolls around on her back to oblige. Then gently licks the puppy and plays some more.

There's a black dog named Negra, who generally travels with her owner while he works. One day on the beach I asked a friend if a black dog was Negra. He said "no, it's just another black dog." Which seems to be the favored color of the family of dogs that spend their days sleeping in the street on Tercera del Mundo. (Black dogs may be second in number only to the number of small white poodles in San Pancho.)

Then, there's the Gang of Three, led by Roxy. Chihuahuas, who fear nothing. Cute, definitely cute. But for little dogs, they sure make a lot of noise.

But, I digress. Back to my favorite dogs.

Kahlua. A big black curly hairy Doodle. That's sort of like a bear. She loves being in front of the fan, and loves to eat.

And she just might be the best friend of our dog, Oro. A tall blond Mexican Mestizo rescued from the countryside near San Miguel.

You'll see Oro most mornings, as he walks my best friend through the streets of San Pancho.

All materials copyright 1997 - 2014